How to remove names from football shirts

football shirts name

Are you tired of seeing outdated names on your favorite football jerseys? In this blog post, we will reveal the ultimate guide on how to remove names from football shirts. Whether you want to revamp your own jersey or surprise a fellow fan with an upgraded kit, our step-by-step instructions and handy tips will have you transforming those old shirts into stylish masterpieces in no time.

Why you might want to remove a name from a football shirt

There are several reasons why you might want to remove a name from a football shirt. Whether you’ve changed your favorite player, want to personalize the jersey with your own name, or simply need to replace a damaged or outdated name, knowing how to properly remove names from football shirts is essential.

1. Change of Favorite Player

One of the most common reasons for wanting to remove a name from a football shirt is because your favorite player has changed. As players get traded or retire, it’s natural for fans to update their jerseys accordingly. Rather than purchasing an entirely new shirt, learning how to remove the old player’s name can save both time and money.

2. Personalization

Another reason for removing a name from a football shirt is for personalization purposes. Many fans enjoy having their own name on the back of their jersey as it adds a unique touch and makes them feel like part of the team. Removing the previous name allows for customization without having to purchase an entirely new shirt.

3. Outdated Names

Players constantly come and go in any sports team, so names on jerseys can quickly become outdated and irrelevant. If you have an older football shirt with a player’s name who is no longer on the team, removing their name can give the jersey a more current and timeless look.

4. Team Changes

Teams may undergo name changes or rebranding that renders the names on older jerseys outdated. In this case, removing the old name and replacing it with either the new team name or a different player’s name can keep your football shirt relevant and up to date.

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In any of these situations, knowing how to properly remove a name from a football shirt is key. It allows fans to continue wearing their favorite team’s jersey without having to constantly purchase new ones for each change or update.

Methods for removing names from football shirts:

There are a few different methods for removing names from football shirts, each with its own level of effectiveness and ease of use. In this section, we will discuss three commonly used methods for removing names from football shirts: using heat transfer paper, using a seam ripper, and using nail polish remover.

1. Heat Transfer Paper

Heat is used to transfer the name from a football shirt onto special paper for easy removal. To begin, you will need to purchase heat transfer paper from a craft or fabric store. Next, place the paper over the name on your shirt and use an iron set to medium-high heat to press down firmly for about 30 seconds. Let it cool for a few minutes before peeling off the paper – along with the name – in one smooth motion.

While this method is relatively easy and does not require any special skills or tools, it may not work as effectively on certain types of fabrics such as nylon or polyester. Additionally, there is a risk that the transferred name may leave behind some residue or discoloration on the shirt.

2. Seam Ripper

Using a seam ripper is another popular method for removing names from football shirts without damaging the fabric. This tool has sharp edges that allow you to carefully cut through the stitches holding the letters in place without causing any harm to the shirt itself.

To use this method, start by turning your shirt inside out and locate where the name has been stitched onto it. Then , use the sharp edges of the seam ripper to cut through each stitch, being careful not to cut through the shirt itself. Once all the stitches have been removed, you should be able to gently peel off the name and any remaining threads.

This method requires more patience and precision compared to using heat transfer paper, but it is a more effective option for removing names from most types of fabric without leaving any residue.

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3. Nail Polish Remover

If you do not have access to heat transfer paper or a seam ripper, you can also try using nail polish remover to remove names from your football shirt. This method is best used on polyester or cotton fabrics, as it may cause damage to other types of fabric.

To begin, saturate a cotton ball with nail polish remover and dab it onto the name on your shirt. Let it sit for a few minutes before using a clean cloth to wipe away the name and any remaining residue. You may need to repeat this process a few times until all traces of the name are gone.

It is important to note that nail polish remover contains harsh chemicals and should be used with caution. Make sure to spot test a small area of your shirt first before applying it to the entire name.

Tips for success and avoiding damage to the shirt

Removing names from football shirts can be a tricky process, especially if you are not familiar with the proper methods. It is important to follow these tips for success and avoid any damage to your shirt during the removal process.

1. Choose the Right Method

There are various methods for removing names from football shirts, including using heat, chemicals, or manually scraping off the letters. Each method has its own pros and cons, so it is essential to research and choose the method that best suits your shirt material and personal preference.

2. Test on an Inconspicuous Area First

Before applying any method to remove the name from your shirt, it is crucial to test it on a small area first. This will help you determine whether the method will work effectively without causing any damage or discoloration to your shirt.

3. Use Protective Gear

When using chemical solutions or heat tools, it is essential to wear protective gear such as gloves and goggles. These substances can be harmful if they come in contact with your skin or eyes.

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4. Be Gentle

No matter which method you choose, always remember to be gentle when handling your shirt. Avoid aggressive scrubbing or rubbing as this can lead to damaging the fabric of your shirt.

5. Follow Instructions Carefully

If you are using a specific product designed for removing names from football shirts, make sure to read and follow the instructions carefully. Using too much of a chemical solution or applying too much heat can result in irreparable damage to your shirt.

Covering the name with an iron-on patch or new name/number transfer

Covering the name on a football shirt is a simple and cost-effective solution for those looking to remove a name from their jersey. This method involves using an iron-on patch or new name/number transfer to cover up the existing name on the shirt.

Firstly, gather all necessary materials including an iron-on patch or new transfer, an iron, scissors and a clean towel or cloth. Make sure to choose an iron-on patch or transfer that is of similar size and color as your football shirt to ensure a seamless finish.

To begin the process, lay your football shirt flat on an ironing board with the back facing up. If there are any creases or wrinkles on the area where you want to place the patch, use your iron to smooth them out before moving forward.

Next, carefully cut out the desired shape from your iron-on patch or transfer. If you are using an iron-on patch, make sure to leave at least half an inch of extra space around the edges as this will help secure it onto the shirt better.

Once you have cut out your desired shape, place it over the existing name on your football shirt. Make sure it is centered and covers the entire old name completely.

Then, cover the patch with a clean towel or cloth and set your iron to medium heat. Gently press down on top of the towel in circular motions for about 30 seconds. Lift up the towel and check if the patch has securely adhered onto your shirt. If not, continue applying heat and pressure until it does.

Finally, let your shirt cool down for a few minutes before wearing or washing it. Congratulations, you have successfully covered the name on your football shirt!


Removing names from football shirts can be an easy and cost-effective process if done correctly. Whether you’re looking to update your old jersey or simply prefer a nameless look, these tips will help you achieve the result you desire. Remember to always follow the care instructions provided by manufacturers and take extra caution when using any chemical products on delicate fabrics.


1. How do you remove sponsors from football shirts?

In case the sponsor has been heatpressed, attempt placing a damp teatowel over it before turning your iron to its highest setting and running it over the area. This will melt the adhesive and allow you to take it off.

2. How do you remove patches from football shirts?

Simply use some acetone and a cotton swab to gently rub behind the patch on the inside of your shirt. The patch will easily peel off. Afterwards, wash your shirt to prevent any potential effects from the acetone, and you’re all set.

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